Interior Painting

We understand that we are working in your home and that it is your personal space. We take great care in coming up with a plan to create a great experience. Our professional painters are polite, respectful, and maintain a positive attitude throughout the process.
To ensure the protection of your home’s furniture, flooring, and other items, we protect them properly prior to working and we safely move furniture with floor guards and return them to their proper places once finished.

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Exterior Painting

Properly painting and caulking the exterior of your home protects it from water and weather conditions. Choosing the right products is imperative.
We use high quality products that leave beautiful finishes and create durable, protected exteriors. We thoroughly inspect your home for cracks, rotted wood, openings, and peeling paint so that we can fix these issues.

Additional Services

Power Washing

By pressure washing, we can remove all that dirt and mildew that has been sitting on your home for a while now. We always pressure wash a home prior to painting to create a clean surface the paint can bond to. Got tomatoes nearby? No problem, we use an eco-friendly washing product to keep those tomatoes safe.

Deck Staining

We follow a proper method to ensure an excellent stain job. The treating, washing, and full drying of the deck is important for the stain to adhere to the surface. Not only does staining your deck look beautiful, but it also protects that expensive deck for years to come.


Let us bring those cabinets back to life! We have all the tools needed for that fine looking finish. Sometimes these cabinets just need a little bit of attention.

Epoxy Floor

Epoxy floors look great! The surface created by the epoxy makes the floor easy to clean when compared to a plain concrete floor.

Wood and Carpentry Repairs

If any of our staff finds rotted wood or a peeling surface while painting, we will notify the home owner and take care of the issue. Repair, caulk, prime, and paint. Now your home is properly repaired and sealed.


Sometimes drywall tape tends to show and crack over time. Dents and dings on the walls are inevitable in a home. Our professionals will take care of these repairs and leave a smooth surface.

About Us

John Brian has been painting since 2006 with some of the most skilled painters in Wilmington. In 2016, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Accounting at UNCW. He has used those experiences to create one of the most trustworthy painting companies in the greater Wilmington area. The John Brian Painting Plus team values integrity, respect, and hard work.
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